What is Basecamp?
Basecamp is THE place to come in Trail Life Connect to prepare yourself for your next adventure in Trail Life. Basecamp is where you constantly return to learn new skills, find best practices, and equip yourself with the online tools that Trail Life offers.
How to Access
Navigate to https://www.traillifeconnect.com
Click the Basecamp Dashboard Icon.

The Home page is where you will find a featured training resource this month. These resources will change monthly, so check back often for new content.

Click the “TRAILS” button to go to all of the various Learning Trails where all online training content lives.

The Learning Trails are categorized by major roles in Trail Life Connect.
Click on the arrow at the bottom of each Trail to open it and see the Learning Treks that are available.

The list of available Learning Treks will populate below the Learning Trail.
Treks that are Essential for your particular role in Trail Life will be identified with the “Essential” ribbon. Also, any new Treks will display a “New” sticker. Check back often as new Treks will be added periodically.
Click on the title of the Trek to take that Training Trek.

Click the “START” button under the title to open the Trek and begin learning.

Scroll down to interact with each page.
You can navigate through the various sections of the Trek by clicking the section title on the left navigation bar.
Once you have interacted with all of the content on that page, you can click the “CONTINUE” button at the bottom of each section.

At the end of the Trek, you can click the “COMPLETE” to fully check off each section of the course.

In order to receive credit in Trail Life Connect for completing this Trek, you will need to scroll down past the Trek and click the green button titled, “I attest, on my honor, that I have read and watched all the material for this Trek”
If there is a quiz attached to that particular Learning Trek, you will be directed to take that quiz. You must pass any quiz with a score of 80% or higher to receive credit. If there is no quiz, you will still need to click the button to receive your credit.

If you want to see all of the Learning Treks you have completed across all of the Trails, you can find that information in your profile. Follow the steps below to see how.
Click “Profile” on the far left side bar in Trail Life Connect.

Once in your profile, click the “Completions” tab at the top.

You will see all completed Certifications that Trail Life provides as well as a list of every Trek that you have completed.
You will also notice that historical data of previously completed Trail Life University or 3 Peaks Courses will also still show under your Treks Completed section.

You can quickly get back to Basecamp by clicking the “Basecamp” tab on your profile screen.

The “BACKPACK” section will contain the same categories as the Learning Trails. These backpacks will contain a curated list of the most important digital resources that each volunteer role would need.

You open your backpack by clicking the arrow at the bottom of the Backpack card.

The backpacks will filter the types of content between audio/video media and PDF documents. The documents will be listed in alphabetical order.
If a document you are familiar with does not show up in your backpack, you can still access it in the Trail Life Resources section.

Click on the title of each media or document resource to open it or download it.

Click the “PODCAST” button to access all of Trail Life’s podcast resources.
As new podcasts are added, they will appear below the current podcasts.

You can play the most recent episode by clicking the play button at the top.
You can scroll through all available episodes and play any of them on demand by clicking the title of the episode you choose.
You can subscribe to this podcast in your preferred podcasts app by clicking the “Share” button.